Volunteers & Partners

Partner organizations  – mostly volunteers


This regional network of bicycling routes is supported by a number of organizations, including:

the Norwalk River Valley Trail www.nrvt-trail.com

the Town of Brookfield (CT),

New Milford River Trail www.nmbikewalk.org

The Bicycle Tour Company www.bicycletourcompany.com

Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area www.HousatonicHeritage.org

Housatonic Valley Association www.hvatoday.org

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission / Berkshire BikePath Council www.berkshirebikepath.com

Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation www.massdot.state.ma.us/highway/Main.aspx

Massachusetts Dept. of Conservation & Recreation www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/dcr/massparks/region-west/ashuwillticook-rail-trail.html

Bennington Area Chamber of Commerce www.bennington.com

Manchester & The Mountains of VT Chamber of Commerce visitmanchestervt.com

Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing www.vermontvacation.com

Local Motion VT www.localmotion.org

the Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership www.champlainvalleynhp.org