General Info

 Information – Western New England Greenway (WNEG)

We highly recommend:rural-road

  • Most of the WNEG – Western New England Greenway / Bikeway is along existing roads. There are many miles of dedicated bike paths, but – for the most part – this is a ‘road route’ through CT, MA and VT.
  • The WNEG is also designated U.S. Bicycle Route 7, so you’ll see the name used interchangeably.
  • Obey the traffic laws! Under most state laws, bicycles are vehicles and must obey the traffic laws including stopping at traffic lights and riding on the right hand side of the road.
  • Wear a bicycle helmet! And wear it properly!
  • Respect the privacy of the property owners along the way.
  • The good news is that the area is mostly rural. The bad news is that services are limited. You should be sure to carry sufficient water and energy bars with you. Stock up when the opportunity presents itself.
  • Cell phone service ranges from limited to non-existent. Don’t count it being available.
  • There are numerous lightly traveled roads branching off of the routes described. Explore and enjoy!

An Update: CT State Cycling Laws (as of July 2015):

Connecticut statutes now require cyclists to ride as close to the right side of the  road as is safe, as judged by the cyclist. As of July 1, cyclists don’t have to ride as close to the right side of the road  when:

1. Overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction;
2. Preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway;
3. Reasonably necessary to avoid conditions, including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards or lanes that are too narrow for a bicycle and a motor vehicle to travel  safely side by side within such lanes;
4. Approaching an intersection where right turns are permitted and there is a dedicated right turn lane, in which case a bicyclist may ride on the left-hand side of such dedicated lane, even if the bicyclist does not intend to turn right;
5. Riding on a roadway designated for one-way traffic, when the bicyclist may ride as near to the left-hand curb or edge of such roadway as judged safe by the bicyclist; or when
6. Riding on parts of roadways separated for the exclusive use of bicycles, including, but not limited to, contra-flow bicycle lanes, left-handed cycle tracks or bicycle lanes on one-way streets and two-way cycle tracks or bicycle lanes. The new law also allows two-way bicycle lanes, buffered bike lanes, and cycle tracks to be designed in Connecticut and allows drivers to cross the double yellow line  to pass slower-moving cyclists and other road users when it’s safe to do so.